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As a Graphic Designer and Photographer, I am your one-stop-shop for specialized graphic designs and photography services. With over 2 years of experience, I've worked on a large range of projects, delivering top-quality work that always exceeds expectations. I'm passionate about helping my clients succeed and will go the extra mile to meet their specific needs. Get in touch today to see what I can do for you.

My Story

My journey with professional photography started with a Digital Photography class and a borrowed Canon EOS Rebel T7i camera. Although I struggled at first, I have really grown to love photography- especially wildlife and animal photography! I now have my own Canon Rebel T6 camera that I use to take pictures of wildlife and animals.


My journey with graphic design started at NWTC. After graduating high school, I was not sure what I exactly wanted to do with my life, but I quickly realized that maybe graphic design was my calling, and I decided to start going for a degree in it so I could learn more and eventually become a book cover designer.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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